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Monday, April 19, 2010

Owens story

Owen Ten :) Our son was a miracle from the beginning. I was not supposed to have children due to a heart condition I was born with. At 20 years old I started trying anyway knowing it would really be my only chance. My boyfriend and I got pregnant right away unfortunately we lost the baby before 12 weeks a very hard hit. We then decided months later that we would try again, the fear of losing another baby consumed me. When I found out I was pregnant again I tried hard not tell anyone this time I didn't want to go through the pain of having to tell people "we lost the baby" not again, it was just too hard. So I kept quiet and told only my mom and sister. After the first trimester past and everything was going well I started to tell our wonderful secret to anyone who would listen! I had to see a specialist because my pregnancy was the highest of high risk... to us this just meant more appointments and tons of pictures of baby. We were in the doctors office once a week checking on baby or me it seemed never ending. At 27 weeks I went in for yet another ultrasound, Owen was itty bitty and had slowed on his growth chart. I was admitted on bed rest in the hospital, I was placed on the mother baby unit but had to bounce between cardiac unit and baby...this went on for 42 days :( I had to cancel my baby showers yes two one for friends and one for family. I spent valentines day in a hospital room and so on. Owen was still not doing well and they thought it would be better to go ahead with a c-section at 34 weeks exactly I was prepped for surgery I had to be prepped for both Open heart (just in case) and a c-section, The prep took 2.5 hours while the c-section itself took 4 minutes. I was put under and had a breathing tube so I didn't witness the birth of my own child which still to this day hurts! No one else was in the room with me either not the proud papa or grandma...just me and 25 doctors and nurses. When I woke up I was in a lot of pain gagging on the breathing tube and crying because my stomach felt like it had been torn open...which it had! Every muscle in my body hurt but All I could think about was Owen and where he was and how he was doing his weight and height I wanted the stats! My wonderful boyfriend came is as soon as he could with pictures of our little angel. Owen was in the NICU getting taken care of by some of the best nurses around. Owen weighed 3lbs 14oz and was only 16in long he was a mini :) he looked just like his daddy :) He had some breathing complications in the beginning but pulled through that quickly His heart unlike his mamas was perfect! I couldn't have been more happy and full of pride and joy. I had to wait 2 days before I was strong enough to get down to the NICU and meet my beautiful boy face to face. It was an extremely emotional moment one I will never forget. He opened his eyes and looked right at me his little cry was just as small as he was. I couldn't believe how much I could love someone I just met, He was perfect. Owen had a hard time eating and was in the NICU for 32 days gaining weight and strength enough to come home with us. I spent every day all day at the hospital with Owen holding him feeding and changing him watching my little miracle grow and change daily! The day we could finally bring him home was wonderful! We had been waiting and waiting and the time had finally come our precious boy was home! 5lbs 4oz he was still swimming in preemie cloths :) He was still struggling with eating and needed to be pushed to eat 2oz every 3 hours this was and still is our life a year later...He eats more food at once but still eats every 3 hours during the day and sleeps 9-12 hours a night (we got very lucky with a wonderful sleeper) At 1year old Owen is still only in the 25% and only weighs 18 lbs but is hitting his milestones and is just a blessing. We wouldn't change anything in the end our boy is a fighter just like his mama :)

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